About us

We are a team of crypto enthusiasts with more than 40 years combined experience in economics, banking, engineering and cryptocurrencies determined to make this new frontier of money and finance easily accessible and understandable to everyone.

Not Your Money Team

Francesco Mochi Sismondi


20 years Enterprise Risk Management executive at major banks across UK, Europe and Switzerland before immersing himself into Fintech and Crypto startups, personal investing and relentless education. 

Marco Pagnini


Quantitative investment manager and Crypto expert passionate about breaking down entry barriers to crypto markets and complex financial markets. 10+ years of experience in finance, from credit & financial risk analysis to algorithmic Forex trading systems.

Maxime Slemett

Active contributer

Experienced marketing strategist and brand manager who began investing in crypto in 2017. I’ve stayed immersed in the blockchain realm ever since. Over the past 4 years, I’ve dedicated my efforts to fast-growing start-ups in the crypto asset space. Love sharing insights on marketing, Web3, and AI at conferences, meetups, and AMAs.

Davide Canepa


Young management engineer, digital entrepreneur and crypto investor enthused about making Web3 more inclusive and accessible to everyone. 5+ years experience in marketing, social media management and content creation.